Sunday, April 25, 2010

Telephone wire puppets

Face it: Redundancy is a part of life. Most things we do every day we have already done the day before, and the day before, and the day before, and I think you know where I am going with that. Some of this repetition is good: showering, eating, using deoderant, giving and receiving kisses. However, when we do the same minute tasks day after day after day life takes us by the strings and turns us into puppets. Once a puppet, you can no longer control your own actions; you must live your simple life of repetitive movements over and over again until your muscles have them memorized and the puppeteer no longer needs to do any work because you do it all for him. What is the fun in that? Why live a life that you are not truly living at all. Why give in and let the puppeteer dominate you?

2 New Years Eves ago I decided I would no longer be a puppet. It's been really hard to break the strings, but I think life is definitely more interesting. One year ago I decided to leave my mom's nest and learn how to be an adult. It isn't easy, no one said it would be nor did I think it would, but I do not regret it for one second.
In order to further remove myself from the staged life I had to be removed from certain people in my past (not my mom or any of my family). How do you tell someone you no longer want to be in their life and you no longer want them in yours? Sometimes, you just have to walk away without turning back.

You have to give to get. Forgive to forget.

Living a life out of control is not easy. I constantly find myself wondering what to do next. Chris is pretty good at finding things. We have spent our Saturdays for the last 3 months exploring the wonderful area of Southern California known as the Grapevine. I always thought it was just a windy hilly part of the 5 freeway, but whowouldathunk that there are actually things to do up there? We have spent days talking to men who are missing teeth running art shows, bikers at a biker bar that really is in the middle of nowhere, and Park Rangers in old abandoned Fort Tejon that was once the epicenter of a very large earthquake.

Yesterday while exploring one of the fault lines up there we found a small area of natural clay. I kid you not, I almost stripped down and jumped in. Until I realized we were right next to the highway. Instead I settled for rubbing it on my hand. We were on a fault line that has natural hot springs on it, and turns out there was a random spring drip dripping out of the rocks. It drip dripped down into a miniature sag pong along the side of the road that was full of tadpoles! Swim swimity swim swimity swim swim sharoo. I just had to get that out.

These are things that keep me sane. They keep my life far from being mundane. They keep me full of adventure. And you know what? When I am old and gray and full of embarrasing moments, I am going to be able to tell whoever is nice enough to listen that I had to go, so I went. Right on top of the San Andreas fault. So there! Bring on the earthquake!


  1. Way to go for getting out!! I love getting out doing new things. Next time I'm sitting around I'm goign to think of this post and get out and do something new and fun!

  2. I still think it's so cool that I get to call you one of my friends.
