Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Out of death comes new life

The Mayans believed that when things died they went into the earth and from the earth came new life. Yesterday I was given word of a death that hit close to home. Not my home, but the home of one of my old students. My old student, who will remain nameless, lost her sister last week. She was the victim of a shooting, probably senseless, but nonetheless deadly. I feel for my old student, mostly because I know her potential, and I know many of her teachers did not. I understood her rough life and hard time getting along at school. I remember her coming to my classroom last year asking if she could use my phone to call her sister because she was having a bad day. Her sister calmed her down and she went on to the rest of her classes. It could have been my student sitting on the porch that night. It could have been anyone. The Mayans based their concept of life around the fact of death. Everything dies, but only when something dies will something be born. It is a never ending cycle.

I planted arugula last week. It might just be the only plant I am able to keep alive. I have managed to kill rosemary, freeway daisies, thyme, and even a tomato. I don't know how one manages to kill any of those plants, but I did. I did my research on it. Apparently arugula is super invasive, so I planted it in this special pot. I needed the special pot because I know the reason why everything I plant dies. I don't water. So the special pot has this water reservoir in the bottom of it to always keep the soil moist. At least until the reservoir is dry. I remembered to water this morning. Not too much though, because I don't want to drown it. I did that to the corn.
The arugula is not for me. It's for Sherlock and Irene. See, it is bearded dragon breeding season, only Irene wont give it up to Sherlock, so he is extremely horny. He is taking his frustration out on his food and eating about 2 bowls of salad a day. Anyone know how much arugula costs? It's not cheap. But a pack of seeds is only 99 cents. See, I'm smrt sometimes. Just like Homer Simpson.

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